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好詩欣賞 |
房東:以晨 ![]() 發表時間:2002-08-28 | [檢舉] |
彼此相愛,卻不要使愛成為枷鎖: 不如讓它像在你倆靈魂之岸間流動的海水 注滿彼此的酒杯卻不飲自同一杯 彼此給予麵包卻不分食同一條麵包 一同跳舞放懷歡欣 卻讓你們各有自我 正如琵\琶的各弦線是分開的 雖然它們在同一樂曲下顫動 Love one another, but make not a bond of love Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls Fill each other`s cup but drink not from one cup Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf Sing and dance together and be joyous but let each of you be alone even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music ~Khalil Gibran~ 我兩條腿不停的走 像擊鼓般敲擊大地 到底我敲出多少聲音 出生以來? 不停的用這張嘴、這個鼻子呼吸 宇宙就從這兒進出 到底我吸進了多少的浩瀚 出生以來? ~木島始~ My two legs walk on without stopping Beating the ground like the beating of a drum How much sound have I pounded out Since being born? Through this mouth and nose I have breathed without interruption Through them the universe has passed in and out How much of this vast universe have I inhaled Since being born? ~Kijima Hajime~ |
工商名錄網 免費公司行號登錄與查詢,台灣區大型專業工商資料庫搜索引擎 輕鬆接案網 30秒立即快速接案,業績提升10%~40%,每天多接2~3個客戶,工程案件當然接不完 租屋 租屋網,租屋,房地產,不動產,房屋,房屋仲介,法拍屋,土地買賣,買房子,買屋 |
1 樓住戶:小美眉![]() 發表時間:2002-08-28 | [檢舉] |
果然是好詩.還有英文版.以晨你真的太厲害. |