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centos7 |
©ÐªF¡Gtest ![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2019-11-06 | [ÀËÁ|] |
centos7 ¤U¸ü https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/ iptables -I INPUT -p TCP ¡Vdport 80 -j ACCEP ¤¹许¥~³¡ip访问80ºÝ¤f¡A´N¥i¥H¤F Àˬdiptables ª¬ºA systemctl status firewalld ¤â°ÊÃö³¬ iptables systemctl stop firewalld ¤â°Ê±Ò°Ê iptables systemctl start firewalld «¶}¾÷«á¤£°õ¦æiptables ¤â°Ê±Ò°Ê iptables systemctl disable firewalld «¶}¾÷«á¦Û°Ê°õ¦æiptables ¤â°Ê±Ò°Ê iptables systemctl enable firewalld #°±¤îfirewall systemctl stop firewalld.service #¸T¤îfirewall开ÉóûD动 systemctl disable firewalld.service iptables -I INPUT -p TCP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p TCP ¡Vdport 80 -j ACCEP #Ãö³¬¨¾¤õÀð chkconfig --level 35 iptables off Ãö³¬ Firewalld ¨¾¤õÀð«ü¥O: # systemctl stop firewalld.service ³]©w¤U¦¸¶}¾÷¤£·|±Ò°Ê Firewalld ¨¾¤õÀð # systemctl disable firewalld.service https://luyaku.pixnet.net/blog/post/183290335-centos-7-%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%9D%E6%B5%81%E7%A8%8B https://www.azofreeware.com/2013/12/rufus-141-usb.html http://blog.itist.tw/2014/08/centos7-install08.html ³]©w±Ò°Ê service httpd start service mariadb start service vsftpd start service named start ³]©w¨C¦¸¶}¾÷´N±Ò°Ê chkconfig httpd on chkconfig vsftpd on systemctl enable vsftpd chkconfig mariadb on chkconfig named on ³s½u³]©w https://www.brilliantcode.net/85/centos-7-get-solid-ip-by-pppoe/ https://blog.csdn.net/bwangk/article/details/53711445 https://kirby86a.pixnet.net/blog/post/118030242-centos-7-%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%9Dapache |
1 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡G3333![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2019-11-16 | [ÀËÁ|] |
https://designlife2014.pixnet.net/blog/post/258844663 |
2 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡GTtttt![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2019-11-21 | [ÀËÁ|] |
Ffdfrft |
3 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡G32![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-24 | [ÀËÁ|] |
2323 |
4 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡Gdddd![]() ![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-24 | [ÀËÁ|] |
set apache for centos 7 https://www.brilliantcode.net/170/centos-7-install-apache-httpd/ |
5 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡Guuu![]() ![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-24 | [ÀËÁ|] |
centos8 ¦w¸Ë apache $ sudo yum install httpd $ sudo systemctl enable httpd $ sudo systemctl start httpd $ sudo systemctl status httpd 1. sudo yum install httpd mod_ssl openssl §ä³o¬q # in HTML content to override this choice, comment out this 1.1 ¤¤¤å³]©w httpd.conf ®³±¼AddDefaultCharest 1.2 ¦A·j´M¥H¤Uªº¤å¦r AllowOverride None §â¥¦ÅÜ§ó¬° AllowOverride All §Y¥i # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords: # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride All 2. yum -y install php mysql mysql-server php-mysql php-gd php-mbstring php-ldap php-curl 3. yum install -y vsftpd ¦b/etc/vsftpd¥Ø¿ý¤U userlist¤U¡A¹w³]·|¦³root±b¸¹¡A¥²¶·§R°£¡A¨ä¥L³£¬O¨t²Î±b¸¹¡A©Ò¥H¤£¥Î±N¤§²¾°£ ftpusers¤U¤]·|¦³root±b¸¹¦b¸Ì±¡A¤]¬On±N¥L§R°£¡A¨ä¥L³£¬O¨t²Î±b¸¹¡A©Ò¥H¤£¥Î±N¤§²¾°£ ³]©w¦n«á¡A½Ð«·s±Ò°Êvsftpd /etc/sysconfig/selinux #sestatus SELinux status: disabled n«·srestart SElinux sudo setenforce 0 4. Ãö³¬ Firewalld ¨¾¤õÀð«ü¥O: # systemctl stop firewalld.service ³]©w¤U¦¸¶}¾÷¤£·|±Ò°Ê Firewalld ¨¾¤õÀð # systemctl disable firewalld.service 5. webmin install webmin-1.760-1.noarch.rpm ¦w¸Ë®M¥ó±Ð¾Ç 1.¥ý¨ìj2h¸ê®Æ§¨ cd /j2h/ 2. rpm -ivh ³nÅé®M¥ó¦WºÙ §R°£ ³nÅé®M¥ó rpm -e ³nÅé®M¥ó¦WºÙ deltree webmin # /etc/webmin/uninstall.sh or rpm -ev webmin ½T»{php ª©¥» rpm -qa |grep php ½T»{mcrypt ª©¥» rpm -qa |grep mcrypt §ó·s®M¥ó¡G # yum update mcrypt ¦w¸Ë Openssl ¤Î§ó·s¨ì³Ì·sª©¥» yum install openssl -y ³o¬O¦w¸Ë Apache ¤Î SSL ¼Ò²Õ yum install httpd mod_ssl -y |
6 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡G3444![]() ![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-24 | [ÀËÁ|] |
OpenSSL support enabled OpenSSL Library Version OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips 26 Jan 2017 OpenSSL Header Version OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips 26 Jan 2017 CentOS 8¤ä«ùOpenSSL 1.1.1©MTLS 1.3 PHP 7.2 MySQL 8.0, Apache HTTP Server 2.4 centos7 Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/5.4.16 fc17 PHP Version 5.4.1 Apache/2.2.22 OpenSSL 1.0.0i-fips 19 Apr 2012 centos5.11 PHP Version 5.1.6 Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) OpenSSL/0.9.8b https://wiki.freedomstu.com/books/%E7%B6%B2%E7%AB%99%E6%9E%B6%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%98%E9%8C%84/page/apache%E6%94%AF%E6%8F%B4-tls13 |
7 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡Gwewee![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-25 | [ÀËÁ|] |
https://www.cadch.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=227 |
8 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡G2342![]() ![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-26 | [ÀËÁ|] |
You don't have permission to access /count/ on this serve 给¤O¡AApache 2.4.6°t¸m§|¤H¡A让笔ªÌÊ^验¨ì绝±æ¡C笔ªÌ¦Ê«×¤F¤@个±ß¤W终¤_§ä¨ìµª®×¡C ¥²须ª`释¥H¤U¥N码°t¸m¤å¥ó¦ì¤_/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf¡A³¡¤À¥N码ª`释§¹¦¨¦p¤U¡G # # AllowOverride none # Require all denied # קï¤èªk,קï结ªG¦p¤U¡Gvim /etc/sysconfig/selinux #sestatus SELinux status: disabled n«·srestart SElinux sudo setenforce 0 |
9 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡Grrw![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-26 | [ÀËÁ|] |
CentOS 7 ¦w¸Ë¯S©wª©¥»ªº PHP https://zoneless.blog/2017/12/02/install-specific-version-of-php-on-centos7/ https://www.opencli.com/linux/rhel-centos-7-install-php-7-2 https://jsnwork.kiiuo.com/archives/2118/centos-7-%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%9D-apachephp-7mysqlphpmyadminftpssh/ CentOS 7 ¦w装 OpenSSL 1.1.1c https://www.24kplus.com/linux/97.html centos7 httpd µLªk¥~³s https://creemeow.blogspot.com/2017/08/centos7apache-web-server.html |
10 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡G55![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-01-30 | [ÀËÁ|] |
DHCP ºô¸ô³s½u³]©w http://blog.itist.tw/2014/08/centos7-install03.html |
11 ¼Ó¦í¤á¡G55![]() µoªí®É¶¡¡G2020-02-03 | [ÀËÁ|] |
¶i¶¥³]©w(1) ¡V TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1 SSLv2 SSLv3 https://www.brilliantcode.net/1229/apache-advance-settings-tlsv1-2-tlsv1-1-sslv3/ |