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房東:ddd ![]() 發表時間:2024-04-22 | [檢舉] |
// 将 \"https://copilot.microsoft.com\" 拼接到 href 值前面 var fullUrl = \"https://copilot.microsoft.com\" + hrefValue; // 移除 &skey= 及其后面的内容 if (fullUrl.indexOf(\'&skey=\') !== -1) { fullUrl = fullUrl.split(\'&skey=\')[0]; // 只保留 &skey= 之前的部分 } // 将处理后的完整链接添加到数组中 hrefList.push(fullUrl); }); https://media.sslah.com/videos/ff/ffe83c180064c69a9e1d0588ca6d7ae8.mp4 $domain = str_replace(\"&w=270&h=270\", \"\", $domain); echo\"$domain\"; exit; /////之前網址要改成這樣 現在不行了 $newUrl = strtok($domain, \'?\'); echo \"$newUrl?pid=ImgGn\"; ?> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI3z-jDBtQA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB997cmyt3o Join the virtual health visit with your provider by clicking the following link: https://phsa.zoom.us/j/5380926019?pwd=b3Vwc1hYd2lWT0ZmS3pUdGEzclpQdz09&omn=64375849436 Alternatively, you can join the virtual health visit by entering the following info in Zoom: Meeting ID: 538 092 6019 Password: 142849 If you can\'t connect by computer or by mobile device, or if your microphone or speakers don’t work properly, you can join the virtual health visit by phone: Dial 1833 955 1088 (Toll-free) followed by the Meeting ID and Passcode. __________________________________________________________________________________ Click the links below for general information about virtual health visits: • How to prepare for a virtual health visit: http://www.phsa.ca/health-professionals/professional-resources/office-of-virtual-health/virtual-health-toolkit/zoom-for-healthcare/patient-resources • How to join a virtual health visit from a computer: http://www.phsa.ca/health-professionals-site/Documents/Office%20of%20Virtual%20Health/Zoom%20Patient%20Join%20VH%20Visit%20by%20Computer.pdf • How to join a virtual health visit from a mobile device: http://www.phsa.ca/health-professionals-site/Documents/Office%20of%20Virtual%20Health/Zoom%20Patient%20Join%20VH%20Visit%20by%20Mobile%20App.pdf Technical Support: If you encounter any technical problems connecting to the virtual health visit with your health care provider, you can call the helpdesk at 1-844-442-4433 (Toll-free) for support: • Mon-Fri; 7 am - 5 pm, Pacific Time. • Technical support is available in over 200 languages. 繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Français | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | فارسی | Tagalog | 한국어 | Español | عربى | Tiếng Việt | 日本語 | हिंदी and more. http://www.phsa.ca/our-services/programs-services/provincial-language-services/language-list To test your Zoom setup well before your virtual health visit, you can either click on this link (http://zoom.us/test) or call the helpdesk by phone at 1-844-442-4433 (toll free). Scheduling Support: • For questions about your scheduled virtual health visit, or to cancel or change it, please contact the clinic directly. The content of this invitation, including any files attached, is confidential and should not be shared with others. If you receive this email in error, please contact the clinic immediately and delete this invitation from your inbox and deleted folder. Join by SIP: [email protected] は需回复 |
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