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DNS 將 Domain 分成內外部不同解析(view) |
房東:阿姆 發表時間:2007-02-26 | [檢舉] |
DNS 的設定, 最好將內外部的 DNS 分開, 不然被人 dig 一下, 就跟把整個架構都公開也一樣意思了.... 正好看到一篇不錯的文章, 來介紹 DNS View setting. DNS-如何將1個 domain 分成內部與外部做不同的解析 前言: 其實寫這篇文章的起源是在 news 看到了一篇詢問如何將1個 domain 分成內部與外部的問題,而剛好一位網友 \"網中人\" 提出了在 bind 9 裡面有新增 \"view\" 的功\能,而這個功\能就剛好符合上述的需求,而翻了翻市面上的書對 \"view\" 的說明並不多,但是我覺得這個功\能對於一般企業的應用應該蠻廣泛的,所以參考了 http://sysadmin.oreilly.com/news/views_0501.html 而實作出來,因為不想收到廣告信,恕不公開 email,如果文章有錯誤的話請使用 ICQ:19268670 或是 MSN: [email protected] 聯絡。 作者:Aman Chang Linux 新聞網 設定: 其實 “view” 的設定不會很困難,只是要注意以後要給內外部一起查詢的 domain zone 都要分開設定比較好。 廢話不多說,以下就針對 view 的設定來說明 /etc/named.conf 的設定檔 [root@localhost internal]# cat /etc/named.conf // generated by named-bootconf.pl options { directory \"/var/named\"; //Domain Zone 檔案放的目錄 /* * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source * directive below. Previous versions of BIND always asked * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged * port by default. */ // query-source address * port 53; }; // a caching only nameserver config // //Also you can define IP range like as below acl \"lan\" { //設定內部要查詢DNS的IP;; localhost; }; controls { inet allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; }; }; view \"internal\" { //定義給內部查詢的設定檔 match-clients { lan; }; //上面有定義lan的IP range zone \"linuxnews.idv.tw\" { type master; file \"internal/db.linuxnews.idv.tw\"; allow-transfer { none; }; }; zone \".\" IN { type hint; file \"named.ca\"; }; zone \"localhost\" IN { type master; file \"localhost.zone\"; allow-update { none; }; }; zone \"0.0.127.in-addr.arpa\" IN { type master; file \"named.local\"; allow-update { none; }; }; }; view \"external\" { //定義給外部查詢的設定擋 match-clients { any; }; //any不需要額外定義 zone \"linuxnews.idv.tw\" { type master; file \"external/db.linuxnews.idv.tw\"; allow-transfer { none; }; }; zone \".\" IN { type hint; file \"named.ca\"; }; zone \"localhost\" IN { type master; file \"localhost.zone\"; allow-update { none; }; }; zone \"0.0.127.in-addr.arpa\" IN { type master; file \"named.local\"; allow-update { none; }; }; }; /var/named/external/db.linuxnews.idv.tw 設定給外部查詢的檔案內容 [root@localhost root]# cat /var/named/external/db.linuxnews.idv.tw $TTL 86400 ; 1 hour linuxnews.idv.tw. IN SOA ns1.linuxnews.idv.tw. root.linuxnews.idv.tw. ( 10816 ; serial 900 ; refresh (15 minutes) 600 ; retry (10 minutes) 86400 ; expire (1 day) 3600 ; minimum (1 hour) ) NS ns1.linuxnews.idv.tw. MX 10 mail.linuxnews.idv.tw. ns1 A hello A //定義hello.linuxnews.idv.tw /var/named/internal/db.linuxnews.idv.tw 設定給內部查詢的檔案內容 [root@localhost named]# cat /var/named/internal/db.linuxnews.idv.tw $TTL 86400 ; 1 hour linuxnews.idv.tw. IN SOA ns1.linuxnews.idv.tw. root.linuxnews.idv.tw. ( 10816 ; serial 900 ; refresh (15 minutes) 600 ; retry (10 minutes) 86400 ; expire (1 day) 3600 ; minimum (1 hour) ) NS ns1.linuxnews.idv.tw. MX 10 mail.linuxnews.idv.tw. ns1 A hello A //定義hello.linuxnews.idv.tw OK,這樣就已經設定好了,還有要注意的就是要將 named.ca、localhost.zone、named.local copy 到相對的目錄去,日後若有要增加的 domain 就必須加在 \"view\" 的區段裡面,不然的話就會有錯誤的訊息。 Apr 22 11:46:41 localhost named[4064]: loading configuration from \'/etc/named.conf\' Apr 22 11:46:41 localhost named[4064]: /etc/named.conf:43: when using \'view\' statements, all zones must be in views Apr 22 11:46:41 localhost named[4064]: loading configuration: failure Apr 22 11:46:41 localhost named[4064]: exiting (due to fatal error) 由上面的範例可以看出來內部與外部對 hello.linuxnews.idv.tw 的查詢會有不同的解析。 |
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1 樓住戶:小優 發表時間:2007-02-26 | [檢舉] |
BIND9 - Master / Slave DNS 基本設定備忘 named.conf 重點內容 Slave 主機向 Master 要求傳送 Zone File 的時機 Zone File 檔案結構 named.conf 重點內容 Master: vi /etc/named.conf acl "trusted" {;; }; options { allow-recursion { trusted; }; //避免變成 Open DNS allow-transfer { none; }; //預設禁止 Zone Transfer notify no; //預設不通知轄區 DNS Server }; zone "mydomain.com" in { type master; file "mydomain.com.zone"; allow-transfer { slave.ip.address; }; notify yes; }; zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" in { type master; file "192.168.1.zone"; allow-transfer { slave.ip.address; }; notify yes; }; Slave: vi /etc/named.conf zone "mydomain.com" in { type slave; file "slave/mydomain.com.zone"; masters { master.ip.address; }; }; zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" in { type slave; file "slave/192.168.1.zone"; masters { master.ip.address; }; }; Slave 主機向 Master 要求傳送 Zone File 的時機 master 主機上的 named 啟動、Reload 時, 發送 dns notify 信號通知 NS 主機 (除本身外) 比對 zone file serial, 且 master serial 大於 slave serial 時. slave 主機上的 named 啟動時, 發現 master serial 大於 slave serial, 或無 zone file 存在時. slave 主機每隔 refresh 時間, 向 master 查詢 zone file serial, 發現 master serial 大於 slave serial 時. Zone File 檔案結構 Forward Lookup / 正解 $TTL 1W @ IN SOA master_dns_fqdn zone_admin ( 2006092001 ;serial 2D ;refresh 4H ;retry 6W ;expire 1W ) ;TTL IN NS master_dns_fqdn IN NS slave_dns_fqdn IN MX 10 mail_server_fqdn master_dns_hostname IN A ip_address slave_dns_hostname IN A ip_address mail_server_hostname IN A ip_address some_hostname IN CNAME another_hostname_has_A_record Reverse Lookup / 反解 $TTL 1W @ IN SOA master_dns_fqdn zone_admin ( 2006092001 ;serial 2D ;refresh 4H ;retry 6W ;expire 1W ) ;TTL IN NS master_dns_fqdn entry_in_*.in-addr.arpa IN PTR some_host_fqdn ex1. zone: 20.10.150.in-addr.arpa in the zone file: 1 IN PTR ms1.mydomain.com retult: ms1.mydomain.com= ex2. zone: 10.150.in-addr.arpa in the zone file: 2.20 IN PTR ms1.mydomain.com retult: ms1.mydomain.com= Ref: Microsoft Support - Description of DNS Reverse Lookups Root Domain Zone File: ftp://ftp.internic.net/domain/named.root |