供各種圖案窗簾、壁紙裝潢服務 專業到府丈量、送樣估價 | 專業壁癌處理,效率施作、價格公道 人員現場估價,完全免費! |
mysql_free_result 釋放記憶體 |
房東:小布丁 發表時間:2010-09-10 | [檢舉] |
參考一下吧 http://tw2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-free-result.php $result = mysql_query(\"SELECT id,email FROM people WHERE id = \'42\'\"); if (!$result) { echo \'Could not run query: \' . mysql_error(); exit; } /* Use the result, assuming we\'re done with it afterwards */ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); /* Now we free up the result and continue on with our script */ mysql_free_result($result); echo $row[\'id\']; echo $row[\'email\']; ?> |
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