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[JQuery] 搜尋單字 |
房東:小強 ![]() 發表時間:2011-06-07 | [檢舉] |
Lets filter a select box with jQuery, Sack, PHP and MySQL….. You may or may not need this, but it could come in handy at one point in time. So lets start.. I will show you the basics here, you may download the source at the bottom of the page.
View the DEMO index.html include these into the head section of the page. ajax.js is the Sack js functions. I will get into Sack later. 1. < SCRIPT type = text /javascript src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js" > <!--mce:0--> </ SCRIPT > < SCRIPT type = text /javascript src = "sack.js" > <!--mce:1--> </ SCRIPT > this goes into the head as well. 01. var ajax = new Array(); 02. 03. function getTextList(sel) 04. 05. { 06. 07. var color = document.getElementById( \'color\' ).value; //gets value from text input 08. 09. document.getElementById( \'colorReturn\' ).options.length = 0; 10. 11. if (color.length>0){ 12. 13. var index = ajax.length; 14. 15. ajax[index] = new sack(); 16. 17. ajax[index].requestFile = \'getColor.php?color=\' +color; //sends the GET to the php page 18. 19. ajax[index].onCompletion = function (){ createText(index) }; 20. 21. ajax[index].runAJAX(); 22. 23. } 24. 25. } 26. 27. function createText(index) 28. 29. { 30. 31. var obj = document.getElementById( \'colorReturn\' ); //retruns the options from the php page 32. 33. eval(ajax[index].response); 34. 35. } The form 1. < FORM method = post sizcache = "4" sizset = "1" > 2. < SELECT style = "WIDTH: 200px" id = colorReturn size = 5 name = colorReturn ></ SELECT > 3. < H4 >Filter the colors - Start typing black.</ H4 > 4. < INPUT id = color onkeyup = getTextList (); name = color > 5. </ FORM > Thats it for the index page. pretty straight forward. So now for the fun part. getColor.php – This page contains the sql and php that returns the 01. mysql_connect( "localhost" , "username" , "password" ) or die (mysql_error()); 02. 03. mysql_select_db( "database" ) or die (mysql_error()); 04. 05. $color = $_GET [ \'color\' ]; 06. 07. if (isset( $_GET [ \'color\' ])){ 08. 09. $result = mysql_query( "SELECT color FROM colors WHERE color LIKE \'%$color%\' LIMIT 0,10" ) 10. 11. or die (mysql_error()); 12. 13. while ( $color = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) 14. 15. { 16. 17. echo \'obj.options[obj.options.length] = new Option("\' . $color [ \'color\' ]. \'","\' . $color [ \'color\' ]. \'");\' ; 18. 19. } 20. 21. } Its not the most detailed tutorial, but im not a tutorial guy. View the DEMO Download the SOURCE |
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