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[教學]php動態下拉式選單 2階層 |
房東:小明 發表時間:2010-03-02 | [檢舉] |
/* - Function to return the Country list as an array - The array can be generated from a database resultset */ function getCountryList() { // Country List array $countryList = array ( \'1\' => \'Bangladesh\', \'2\' => \'USA\', \'3\' => \'UK\' ); return $countryList; } /* - Function to return the City list as an array - Country ID is used to generate the city list */ function getCityList($countryId) { // City list array // First key of the array is the Country ID, which holds an array of City list $cityList = array ( \'1\' => array (\'Dhaka\', \'Chittagong\', \'What else\'), \'3\' => array (\'London\', \'Cannot Remember\'), \'2\' => array (\'Washington\', \'N.Y.\', \'etc\') ); return $cityList[$countryId]; } ?> http://blog.roodo.com/taikobo0/archives/8671037.html |
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1 樓住戶:阿偉 發表時間:2010-03-24 | [檢舉] |
http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1510020409088 |