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[轉貼]賈伯斯名言金句 |
房東:隱千代 ![]() 發表時間:2011-10-06 | [檢舉] |
賈伯斯名言金句 Steve Jobs Famous Quotes 文字撰寫 Rita 有一句經典名言\"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish\"(求知若飢,虛心若愚),你可能早就知道,也可能只是偶然在網路上或朋友的 MSN 暱稱上看到,卻沒有特別在意。這句話是賈伯斯在 05 年史丹佛大學畢業典禮上演說的結尾語,他在這段演講中談到了有關自己的學業、事業與生死三個話題,當中有許\多激勵人心且發人深省的名言金句。當然,賈伯斯的名言絕對不僅限於此回演講,關於蘋果及事業上的對手,他都說過許\多精彩且機智的話語;有些譏諷對手的話甚至狂妄到有點「機車」的程度,卻又讓人不得不承認,只有賈伯斯才有辦法理所當然地說出這樣的話。現在,就讓我們來看看精彩的「賈伯斯名言錄」吧! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【1.】 開創事業篇 Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. 領導者與跟風者的差別就在於創新。 Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren\'t used to an environment where excellence is expected. 對最高品質錙銖必較。有些人不習慣追求卓越的環境。 You know, we don\'t grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved... I mean, we\'re constantly taking things. It\'s a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge. 你們知道,我們所吃的東西大部分都不是自己種的。我們身上穿的衣服是別人製作的。我們所說的語言是別人發展出來的。我們使用的數學算式是別人推演出來的……我的意思是說,我們一直以來都在接收事物。在人類既有的經驗與知識上創造事物是件美好又令人狂喜的事情。 If we\'d given customers what they said they wanted, we\'d have built a computer they\'d have been happy with a year after we spoke to them—not something they\'d want now. 如果要滿足顧客的要求,我們會製作一台讓他們就算是一年後也仍感到滿意的電腦──而不是只給他們現在想要的東西。 I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what\'s next. 我認為,如果你做了一件事而成果還不錯,那麼你應該試著去做其他更好的事情,而不要拘泥於此成果。反正就是搞清楚接下來該做什麼。 innovation (n.) 創新 constantly (adv.) 不斷地 yardstick (n.) 標準,準繩 ecstatic (a.) 狂喜的 excellence (n.) 優秀,卓越 dwell on... 老是想著,停留在…… evolve (v.) 推演,進化形成 figure out... 弄清楚 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【2.】人生勵志篇 Your time is limited, so don\'t waste it living someone else\'s life. 你們的時間有限,所以不要浪費時間去過別人的生活。 [...] have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. 勇敢地追隨你的心和直覺。它們由於某種原因已經知道你真心想成為什麼樣的人。 Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. 隨時謹記自己終將一死,是我所知避免讓自己陷於害怕失去的想法中最好的方法。生不帶來,死不帶去,你沒理由不順著自己的心意而活。 The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven\'t found it yet, keep looking. Don\'t settle. 要成就一番偉大的事業就是要愛你所做的。如果你還沒找到,繼續尋找,別安於現狀。 |
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