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searched words or phrases tool |
房東:弗里曼 發表時間:2006-12-25 | [檢舉] |
Does anyone know of a tool, utility or service that can tell > me how many time any particular word or phrase is searched on google, > or other search engines? > I have seen wordtracker but they seem to only cover dog pile and > metacrawler. There aren\'t many free services offering information about how many times a word or a phrase has been searched for in Google or other search engines. Anyway, here are some services related to your question: (1) Google ========== GoogSpy Research what keywords your competitors are bidding on using Google AdWords. http://www.googspy.com/ Keyword Suggestions for Google http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/keyword-suggestions-google/ Google AdWords Keyword Tool Get ideas for new keywords. https://adwords.google.com/select/main?cmd=KeywordSandbox Google Suggest Show approximate number of search results for a search. http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en Google Zeitgeist Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google. http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist.html Google Zeitgeist by Country Popular search queries in different countries. http://www.google.com/press/intl-zeitgeist.html (2) Yahoo!, Overture, Wordtracker ================================= Yahoo! (Overture) Keyword Selector Tool Show related searches that include your term and how many times that term was searched on last month. http://inventory.overture.com/ Keyword Suggestion Tool Show you the results of your query from both Wordtracker and Overture for determining which phrases are searched most often. http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/suggestion/ SearchEngineZ Keyword Research See how many times a keyword was searched for last month on Overture. http://searchenginez.com/keywords.html PRsearch.Net Keywords Research Statistics data of searches made in major search engines of Overture partner group (Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, etc.). Provided by Overture. http://www.prsearch.net/keywords.php NicheBOT.com Submit a word or a phrase and get top 15 WordTracker keyword listings. http://www.nichebot.com/ Top 500 Search Engine Keywords Of The Week by Wordtracker http://www.searchengineguide.com/wt/ Yahooligans! Buzz Index Most popular searches in Yahooligans!. http://yahooligans.yahoo.com/content/buzz/ (3) MIVA ======== MIVA Keyword Generator Show how many times a word was searched in the past 30 days, and related searches that include your keyword. http://www.miva.com/uk/content/advertiser/landing1.asp# (4) Lycos ========= Lycos top 50 Top 50 searches on Lycos. http://50.lycos.com/ (5) Jeeves ========== Jeeves IQ Most popular search terms based on the millions of queries asked on Ask Jeeves each day. http://sp.ask.com/docs/about/jeevesiq.html (6) AOL ======= AOL: Hot Searches http://hot.aol.com/hot/hot (7) Dogpile =========== Dogpile SearchSpy Real-time search terms. http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/searchspy/ (8) MetaCrawler =============== MetaCrawler MetaSpy Real-time search terms. http://www.metaspy.com/info.metac.spy/metaspy/ (9) MSN Search ============== MSN Search Insider Top 200 searches on MSN Search. http://www.imagine-msn.com/insider/ (10) SEO Tools ============== Keyword Research Tool Submit a word or a phrase and the tool will suggest some additional words your web page could also contain. http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/keyword-research-tool.shtml Keyword Analysis Tool Submit the URL of your web page and the tool reads a page you specify and gives a report on what words are used, and how many times they are used. http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/keyword-analysis-tool.shtml Keyword Research Tool Submit your obvious keyword terms and the tool locates top ranked competing sites. http://www.bruceclay.com/web_rank.htm goRank Ontology Finder - Related Keywords Lookup Tool Submit words and see related words. http://www.gorank.com/seotools/ontology/ Keyword Typo Generator http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/keyword-typo-generator/ GoogleDuel Enter two words, names, or phrases, and find out which one occurs on more pages on the web. http://www.googleduel.com/original.php |
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