真的很多一些無意義的文章 ((看了我也心癢癢
一堆人一直拿CICO來比較 大地版和風格
一堆人都只知道CICO 其他前輩不是人
不要只知道一個大地版很強的其他前輩都完全不了解 就說你很了解breaking是什麼
一堆人自以為自己很了解breaking 很多東西都完全不知道 就在那邊爭
引用:HRC BBOY 柏均http://www.battlezone.url.tw/
以下轉載 http://www.battlezone.url.tw/
Advice to up and coming B-boys and girls (Ken Swift)
- Respect your mind and body
- Enjoy breaking for what its truly worth
- Remember this is a dance
- In business, protect yourself
- See the world if you can
- Challenge yourself first, your main battle in life may be with yourself
- Ask questions
- Always respond quick when you get hit by a dope move
- Control your anger
- Let your dance do the talking
- Try to master all styles
- Learn the history
- Set goals
- Train hard
- Know your priorities and be responsible for your own actions
10 Bboy Rules: By Mr. Freeze of Rock Steady Crew
1) Show people respect
2) Learn your B-Boy history
3) Keep your moves on beat
4) Learn all your foundations
5) Don\'t do just flare and headspins
6) Always be ready to battle
7) Always Up Rock/Top Rock before you go down
8) Always hold your freezes for at least 1.5 seconds.
9) Do not steal moves unless the inventor gave you permission to use his move.
10) Always represent B-Boys as a positive role model no matter where you go in this world.
10 Ten Rules 2 Breakdancing: By PaQ-Rock
10) Ground-work is a necessity. Without that element, even with your style, without that magical touch, your dancing won\'t have that \"flavor\" to stay alive when battling with other breakers. Ground-work/footwork is a spice that creates flame. An analogy I love to use is: Ground-Work is the Ranch dressing on top of the vegetarian salad.
9) Balance yourself. Too much power moves/too much footwork isn\'t necessarily a bad thing. But a true bboy has divided skills in all parts of the breakdancing repertoire molded into his own style. To put it into simpler terms, mix your style. Bust out with a \"six-step/flare\" combination now and then. A \"windmill-freeze\" wouldn\'t hurt the judging panel either. Mix and Match. Power Moves and Footwork are meant to be merged, take full advantage of that fact.
8) Collect. After each battle, regardless if you were burnt or you served, always collect knowledge from how you performed and even from how your opponent performed. Through battles you DO make a name for yourself, but next to that, battles should also be used as training grounds, in terms of you learning - learning from mistakes.
7) I disagree with the \"Helmet Rule\". Wearing a helmet when head-spinning doesn\'t make you a fake. I\'ve seen breakers who wear helmets burn the shit out of the best top-notch breakers out there. Wearing helmets or NOT wearing helmets means jack-shit. Besides a \"headspin\" is ONE move compared to the hundreds of other moves in the breakdancing dictionary. Just because you cannot perform a headspin without a helmet doesn\'t mean you \"suck.\" I\'ve seen helmet-wearers initiate the best windmills or the most stylish air-flares. Helmets are just an aid, people shouldn\'t judge a breaker and call them a \"sorry\" dancer, just because he/she wears a helmet.
6) Respect. Your mother always told you to treat others the way you want to be treated, and to respect everybody around you. Well, the same goes for the breakdancing culture. People may dance differently, others may have a funky-looking up-rock. It doesn\'t matter. Despite how other breakers dance, you should always respect their skill. Old School, New School, we are all in this together, and there is no reason why ANYBODY should be making fun of others. Breakers who don\'t have respect for one another are a disgrace.
5) Flowing with the music. Another important element you may need to get the crowd going. Techno, Hip Hop, Rap, Country!?! ya know, doesn\'t matter. Every breakdance routine should always connect with the music. Even if you have Barry Mandelow\'s soft and slow melodies on the radio, your routine should still match with the music, even if it means to do a super slow six-step and whatnot.
4) Creativity. I don\'t know how many of you out there read my articles. But if you notice I heavily stress that creativity is a necessity when it comes to breakdancing. Learn to have an Imagination! I said it before, I’ll say it again: \"Copying can take you so near to notorious ill-fame, Correctitude can only bring you so far, but Style is what separates you from the whole crowd, and it shows who YOU are as a breakdancer.\"
3) Never imitate. Imitating the skill of others will just get you bitch-slapped. It\'s awright to analyze and innovate moves but it\'s not OK to just mimic every single move that another dancer does. Sure you have topnotch breakdancers who create the up most stylish techs ever, but who\'s to say you can\'t to do the same? By choosing to learn the craft, you put yourself in a position to create your own style (in terms of techs, and whatnot.) And that\'s a job you have to uphold in order to be recognized.
2) Getting used to Battlegrounds. You walk into the mall and come across another breakdancer who challenges you. The floor is a smooth and white porcelain. Another scenario: maybe you\'re walking in an alleyway with your boys, and come across this other crew who challenges you. The alleyway street is rough and rocky. You might even meet up with another bboy/bgirl atop a house (on the roof?), who knows. Regardless of where you are, you always have to be prepared to battle. The ground on which you battle on is a huge factor as to you wanting to battle. You might be terrified to get scarred up when doing a windmill on the rough streets, or how can you possibly smooth out a backspin on grass? Therefore, you have to practice on all types of terrain and get the feel of all battlegrounds.
1) You are a breakdancer. You don\'t dance to impress girls and things to that effect (although some of us do that.) And it\'s pretty normal. I see dancers who dance just to gain attention and popularity. But behind all that bullshit you have to trace yourself back and realize that you are part of a beautiful culture. Breakdancing is an art. Breakdancers are the artists. Always represent the breakdancing class in a positive way. Represent yourself, not as \"the kid who has the dope dancing skills\" but rather the \"breakdancer, who can be the best he/she can be\".