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房東:A 妹

Put your sneakers on, Put your sneakers on
We\'re goin\' dancin\' all night long

I got somewhere to be, I want you to come with me
See I\'ve put my sneakers on, Cause I\'m gonna keep dancin\'
After they all go home

So are you ready? Did you eat? Do you have the energy?

Are you reloaded? Are you able to stay on your feet?
Don\'t want you passing out after a couple hours of beats...
We\'re keep going, And going, And going, Yeah, Cause

Basically what we\'re gonna do is dance [3x]
It will come easily when you hear the beat, oh
Basically what we\'re gonna do is dance [2x]

All you gotta do is take a chance
Yeah that\'s right, it\'s sneaker night

So now they\'re closing, Close it up,
Shut it down, go home now
But this far from the end, Second round, Ding,
It\'s about to begin
Cause I got comfortable full
Where the weather is nice
So let\'s take it outside
Just need some hand clap
And the beatbox, and it\'s all right


Don\'t you even worry about other plans
Yeah, that\'s right it\'s sneaker night!

When the sun goes down, Oh we wake up
I got no sleep. Ha! No need
No problem staying awake
When the beat is like an earthquake

We\'re unstoppable, we\'re uncontrollable
Just admit it, You can\'t stop it, It\'s addictive


Put your sneakers on... Let\'s go all night long...

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/v/vanessa_hudgens/#share

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