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史上最毒分手歌 Pray For You |
[檢舉] |
I haven\'t been to church since I don\'t remember when 我記不得自己已經多久沒有上過教堂了 Things were going great till they fell apart again 一切本來都很順利,直到情況又再度惡化 So I listened to the preacher as he told me what to do 所以我聆聽著牧師告訴我該怎麼作 He said you can\'t go hatin\' others who have done wrong to you 他說你不可以到死都憎恨著那些錯待了你的人 Sometimes we get angry but we must not condemn 有時候我們會憤怒,但我們絕對不該下詛咒 Let the good Lord do his job, you just pray for them 讓上帝去施行祂的旨意,你只要為他們祈禱 I pray your brakes go out runnin\' down a hill 我祈禱你的煞車在你奔馳下山的時候失靈 I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill 我祈禱一個花盆從一個窗台上掉落下來 And knocks you in the head like I\'d like to 砸中你的腦袋,就像我盼望的那樣 I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls 我祈禱你的生日到來卻沒有人理你 I pray you\'re flyin\' high when your engine stalls 我祈禱你飛在高空的時候引擎突然熄火 I pray all your dreams never come true 我祈禱你所有的夢想都永遠不會實現 Just know wherever you are, honey, I pray for you 只要記住,親愛的,不管你在哪裡,我都為你祈禱 I\'m really glad I found my way to church 我真的很高興我又回到了教堂 Cause I\'m already feelin\' better and I thank God for the words 因為我感覺已經好了很多,而我感謝天主給我的忠告 Yeah, I\'m gonna take the high road and do what the preacher told me to do 對啊,我要光明正大的,按照牧師的吩咐去作 You keep messin\' up, and I\'ll keep prayin\' for you 你繼續惡搞,而我也將不斷為你祈禱 I pray your tire goes out at 110 我祈禱你的輪胎在時速110的時候爆破 I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend 我祈禱你跟你最要好的朋友一起醉倒 And wake up with his and her tattoos 醒來的時候身上都是他們的刺青 I pray your brakes go out runnin\' down a hill 我祈禱你的煞車在你奔馳下山的時候失靈 I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill 我祈禱一個花盆從一個窗台上掉落下來 And knocks you in the head like I\'d like to 砸中你的腦袋,就像我盼望的那樣 I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls 我祈禱你的生日到來卻沒有人理你 I pray you\'re flyin\' high when your engine stalls 我祈禱你飛在高空的時候引擎突然熄火 I pray all your dreams never come true 我祈禱你所有的夢想都永遠不會實現 Just know wherever you are, near or far 只要記住,不管你在哪裡,遠在天邊或近在眼前 In your house or in your car 在你家裡還是你的車上 Wherever you are, honey, I pray for you 不管你在哪裡,親愛的,我都為你祈禱 | ||||||||||||
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1 樓住戶:殺人阿![]() 發表時間:2011-03-25 | [檢舉] |
好棒!! 抱歉!!好久還回!! |