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Never Change |
[檢舉] |
Wish you could take me away Pretend that I am your baby 多希望你就這樣帶我走 像是我們已經在一起了 Somewhere faraway, somewhere in the shade 一起到些別人到不了的地方 讓我直通你心裡不肯揭露的陰暗角落 somewhere we can call our secret place somewhere in the rain, somewhere we can play 接著到我們專屬的秘密基地 只要與你併肩嬉遊,淋雨算什麼? somewhere we can be free and run away 就讓我們一起逃到我倆可以無拘無束的僻靜之地吧 Cause I really wanna take you away 只因我真的想要與你一起遠離塵囂 Cause I wanna walk with you into space 只因我真的想要與你一起太空漫遊 and pick out all of the stars in the sky and put them all on your face 我將拾起漫天星斗 用著這一夜的閃亮,妝點你的面容 Cause I won\'t let you change Never change 只因我想要凍結這個當下的你 不要改變 One day I\'ll take you away Kiss you and call you my baby 或許\有一天,我會帶你逃離這個世界 一邊叫著你寶貝,一邊親吻你的臉 Somewhere in the sky somewhere we can fly 一起浪跡天涯,自在飛翔 somewhere where we don\'t need to run and hide 脫下世俗的假面具,在彼此面前自在的做自己 somewhere down below somewhere in the snow 一起在極寒之地相擁取暖 somewhere where the sun will shine all night 一起在永晝的大地上放肆活著,只要彼此都在 Cause I really wanna take you away 只因我真的想要與你一起遠離塵囂 Cause I wanna walk with you into space 只因我真的想要與你一起太空漫遊 and pick out all of the stars in the sky and place them all on your face 我將拾起漫天星斗 用著這一夜的閃亮,妝點你的面容 Cause I won\'t let you change Never change 只因我想要凍結這個當下的你 不要改變 Cause I promise to give you the rest of my life 只因我已將我許\給你了 | ||||||||||||
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