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原來新聞可以剪成一首爆笑的歌 |
房東:小炳 ![]() 發表時間:2010-11-09 | [檢舉] |
原來新聞可以剪成一首爆笑的歌 Lyrics : he\'s climbin in your windows he\'s snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y\'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cuz they\'re rapin errbody out here you don\'t have to come and confess we\'re lookin for you we gon find you we gon find you so you can run and tell that, run and tell that run and tell that, homeboy home, home, homeboy we got your t-shirt you done left fingerprints and all you are so dumb you are really dumb--for real you are really, really, really, really so dumb i was attacked by some idiot in the projects so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so chorus bout 5\'9\", 5\'10\" coffee complexion, low cut like a caesar with some little waves in his head clean cut, very smooth face seein my sister when i walked in he had his hands around her neck first thing was to pull him off of her and that\'s what i did chorus well, obviously we have a rapist in Lincoln Park are you serious, my boy? i got your t-shirt i got your scent i know what shoe size you wear, my boy so you can run and hide but we\'re gonna find you, find you chorus x2 (with ballet dancers, orchestra, choir, etc.) 原版: | ||||||||||||
明日黃金屋-租屋網 提供租屋廣告刊登與租屋查詢,首創街景地圖、電子地圖、租屋配對等弁� ,租售房屋價格公開透明化 易祺清潔公司 年終大掃除,解決您清潔的困擾,由我們專業的清潔服務員到府提供完善的清潔服務。 比價網 不用在一家一家的比來比去了,全民比價網幫你比好價了 |
1 樓住戶:博士![]() 發表時間:2010-11-09 | [檢舉] |
回鍋肉好吃! 外國的YOUTUBE可以搞的花樣好像比較多 真好 |
2 樓住戶:威大![]() 發表時間:2010-11-09 | [檢舉] |
可是不要跟我說 你不喜歡台灣的 |
3 樓住戶:哥只是傳說![]() 發表時間:2010-11-09 | [檢舉] |
回鍋肉真的超好吃!!!!!!!! 回鍋肉真的超好吃!!!!!!!! 回鍋肉真的超好吃!!!!!!!! 第二部好強- / - 雖然比不上另一個翻唱Katy的 X"D |
4 樓住戶:三天![]() 發表時間:2010-11-09 | [檢舉] |
刪我 留言餒......... |
5 樓住戶:血腥![]() 發表時間:2010-11-10 | [檢舉] |
要習慣= = 時常會有留言消失...習慣就好!! |
6 樓住戶:小煜![]() ![]() 發表時間:2010-11-10 | [檢舉] |
第一個窗口是男的還女的= =? 兇口碰起來 |
7 樓住戶:現在八點半![]() 發表時間:2010-11-10 | [檢舉] |
看了感覺沒感覺-.- |
8 樓住戶:x寶寶x![]() ![]() 發表時間:2010-11-10 | [檢舉] |
對嘴 隊的很想耶= = |
9 樓住戶:博士![]() 發表時間:2010-11-11 | [檢舉] |
六樓的 因該都是同一個人= =" |
10 樓住戶:幻想![]() 發表時間:2010-12-16 | [檢舉] |
本來就是同一人= = |