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麻煩各位英文大大幫個忙,這是一篇散文的其中一段!!其中比較是地名的地方看不太懂= =連那個都需要翻,麻煩.謝謝!!In the evening I strolled the eighteen miles to the ?le de la Cit? and Notre-Dame, through the sort of neighborhoods where swarthy men in striped Breton shirts lean against lampposts cleaning their teeth with flick knives and spit between your legs as you pass. But it was a lovely March evening, with just the faintest tang of spring in the air, and once I stumbled onto the Seine, at the Pont de Sully, I was met with perfection. There facing me was ?le St-Louis, glowing softly and floating on the river like a vision, a medieval hamlet magically preserved in the midst of a modern city. I crossed the bridge and wandered up and down its shuttered streets, half expecting to find chickens wandering in the road and peasants pushing carts loaded with plague victims, but what I found instead were tiny, swish restaurants and appealing apartments in old buildings....